June 15, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: 25th Anniversary

As you all should know by now, 2011 marks the 25th anniversary of our beloved "The Legend of Zelda" franchise. It is hard to believe that it has been 25 years since we first roamed around the fields of Hyrule with our sword and shield to save Princess Zelda for the first time. With an amazing anniversary comes an amazing celebration, and just like with Mario's anniversary, Nintendo is not going to disappoint. 

While we were at Nintendo's E3 Press Conference this year, we learned a lot of things that Nintendo plans for this 25th anniversary celebration. For starters, ALL Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS owners will get a free downloadable copy of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords this September. It has been confirmed that we will be getting the GBA version as opposed to the version that was later released for the Gamecube. Secondly, for the few and lucky Nintendo 3DS owners, you all have the chance to download one of the first titles to appear in the Nintendo eShop, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! I have yet to get my Nintendo 3DS, but I for sure will be making that purchase when I get the chance to. And finally, Nintendo announced that they will be releasing a soundtrack filled with amazing music from the Zelda series, kind of like what they released with Super Mario All-Stars for the Wii, but this time much much better.

Another game that they talked about during their press conference was the soon to be released The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D. We all knew about this game, but no one complains when we get to see more and more of "the best game of all time". This game, which I believe is the reason why so many people will go out and buy a Nintendo 3DS (I know that I will be one of those :P), is a 3D remake of the Nintendo 64 classic. This has to be one of the best remake games that I have ever seen. I got to play the full game in our hotel room with ZeldaUniverseTV, and let me tell you, if you haven't played it by now you will be surprised at how good it is! It is screen for screen just like the original, except this time it has amazing graphics and you could experience it all in 3D! The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D hits store shelves this week on June 19th here in North America, so go out and get your copy!

And last but not least, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. The most anticipated game the Wii has ever seen. This will be the first and probably last Zelda game for the Wii, we don't count Twilight Princess because it was a port of the Gamecube version. As the year goes on we keep getting more and more information on this beautiful game. I got to play it at Nintendo's showroom booths, and I was truly blown away. I can't wait for this game to launch, and I'm just counting down the days. There is still no official release date, but when do we ever get one from Nintendo on Zelda titles? Nintendo did say however that it will indeed launch for the Wii this holiday season, so now all we do is wait. The Wii motion plus seemed to be a problem, but that was probably due to the large amount of people that were playing the game. By now you must have read a lot on the game, as have we, but we just wanted to give you our two cents on the title. With all that being said, this is looking like a "must have" for any Zelda fan alive.

Thanks again for following us on our blog. Hope you liked what you read today, and stay tuned for more blogs to come this week. If you don't already, please subscribe to us on YouTube, like our page on Facebook, and last but not least follow us on Twitter. And don't forgot to vote on our new poll down below. And as always, I'm Christian, and you've just been ChrisCrossed!

June 9, 2011

E3 2011 - Sonic Generations

Wow! That's all I can say. It's amazing to see that after 20 years our favorite blue hedgehog is still running around at the speed of sound. And this month over at ChrisCrossMedia we are celebrating just that, his 20th birthday.

 This year is going to mark the release of what's soon to be one of the best Sonic games ever made, Sonic Generations. This game will be released on console for both the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, and on the 3DS for portable gaming. We got a chance to play this game on the E3 showroom, and also at Sonic Boom 2011, and let me tell you, it is the best Sonic game ever made! I love the fact that we get to play as both classic Sonic and modern Sonic. This game has really taken all of the good that has ever come out of other Sonic games and packaged it into one amazing game. 

The demo that we played only had two levels, one with classic Sonic and one with modern Sonic, and both of them were great. You still get the same nostalgic feel when you play as classic Sonic, and much of the controls are true to the original 2D side-scrolling games. As for the 3D style play, it is the best that we have ever seen. It has taken all the positives from Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors and turned it into a beautiful masterpiece. The camera always keeps up with the super sonic hedgehog, and the mechanics are really fluent. I'm a Sonic fan and there wasn't one thing that I didn't like from what I saw at the demo.

Do you see that screenshot up there? Yes you're eyes aren't deceiving you. That is City Escape from Sega Dreamcast's "Sonic Adventure 2"! Hands down that has to be one of my favorite levels ever in a Sonic title. The level design was amazing and it featured one of the best songs to ever appear in a Sonic game. Not only do we play a re-imagined City Escape with modern Sonic, we also get to choose classic Sonic to see what he could do in an environment alien to him. Personally I cant wait until this game comes out. We will do what we can to try and get it early to review it and really let you know what we think of the full game. But as we stand now, this is looking to be a must have for Sonic and non-Sonic fans alike.

Modern Sonic screenshots from re-imagined "City Escape" Level from Sonic Adventure 2

If you haven't seen the newest trailer revealed at E3 2011, then please just watch it down below.

June 4, 2011

Sonic and Zelda Month!

Hello there everyone, hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! I would like to start out by apologizing again for the lack of blog updates here on the site. I'm truly sorry, especially to all of our 40 followers that we have attained on our Blogger page. The internet has just been really bad here at the house and every time that I would try to write something up my internet would fail. I'm kind of surprised that my internet hasn't failed yet at the moment.

As most of you know by now, we are doing our first ever "ChrisCrossMonth". What this means is that we are combing two themes and putting them all in once. There have been a couple of comment's on our most recent video (displayed below) stating that they are disappointed because we aren't doing both Sonic and Zelda individually. I would like to say right off the bat that we did this for a reason. We have come up with some sweet video ideas that use elements from both series and that is why we decided to combine them. So don't be thinking that we like one over the other. We like both Sonic and Zelda equally.

We will be going to California on Monday because we are going to be attending our first E3 ever! We are just excited as all of you, and we would like to thank you because none of this would have happened if it wasn't for all of you! We will be uploading sweet content during that week and also be keeping you up to date on the news as soon as it comes out. So be sure to check our YouTube page and our Blogger frequently next week. And for those of you who are wondering...the giveaway winner from last month will also be announced next week. I'm Christian, and you've just been ChrisCrossed!

Also check out the new poll below!