October 3, 2011

Motivation Monday 1

As most of you know by now, Chris has been dieting and working out for exactly a month now. But what some of you may not know is that I have also been dieting and working out, and today marks a week for me. Now one week is nothing to be too proud of, but it's a start.

That last paragraph has probably answered most of the questions that you have concerning why Monday's post are now going to be "Motivation Mondays". Every week, beginning on Monday, we will give you tips, advice, or some other type of story to keep you motivated to work out and stay in shape. Now if you're already in shape and don't think you have anything to gain from this, then that is OK. But since you probably are way ahead of us, it would be nice of you to chime in and leave some motivational comments so that everyone can see how you got to where you're at now. Hope you like this post, and we really feel that it can be the start of something big. If we're confident enough we may just share our own weight with you.

Track everything you do all day!
We'd like to start off this first post by talking about one little nifty app that probably has made all the difference. There is an app called "Lose It!" that can be downloaded for no charge on Apple's App Store, and it works on every iDevice on the market. Now we are no Android experts, but it may be on there as well, or something like it, please leave a comment below if you have any more information on that topic. What this app does is that it takes your age, current weight, and weight loss goals, and makes a "calorie budget" for you, that if followed right, will give you the results that you have always been craving.

Chris was actually the person that introduced me to this app, and it is what led to me losing 30 pounds over the summer of 2009. We both still use it to this day, even though we pretty much know what to eat and what not to eat, it's always nice to see how you have treated your body throughout the week. This is a must download for anyone that uses an iDevice, and wants to lose weight. It works, and two examples are both Chris and I.

And we have only just begun, with your help and motivation we will reach our goals, and we will be a good and healthy ChrisCrossMedia. Hoped this post motivated some to get into shape, and you, you have just been ChrisCrossed!

(You can also access the same features of the app online!)

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